How can artificial intelligence help us in everyday life?


Artificial intelligence is gradually dividing the world into three overlapping groups. Some people absolutely love it, others firmly reject it, and the last group switches between the two options. Whether you’re ready to give AI a chance or still have doubts, you’re in the right place. In today’s article, we’ll show how artificial intelligence can help us in our everyday lives. You might even be inspired to make it your personal assistant!


If you own a smartphone, it’s very likely that you have a voice assistant on it. For Apple users, we’re talking about the well-known “Siri,” which you activate with a simple greeting. Voice assistants are also found on phones from other developers. So, how can these assistants help us? Easily! They can answer most of our questions related to general information. Get inspired:

Practical questions:

  • What’s the weather today?
  • What’s the time in Mexico right now?
  • How do you say “hello” in German?
  • How do I find out what 67 times 8 is?
  • Are there traffic jams in Bratislava right now?
  • How long does it take to drive from Manchester to London?

Practical tasks for your smartphone:



  • Set alarm for 8:30 tomorrow morning.
  • Set timer for 30 minutes.
  • Send my sister a message saying: I am okay.
  • Play the newest album from Coldplay.
  • Find a recipe for a carrot cake?
  • Make a reminder: Don’t forget to take an umbrella with you.

Assistant for leisure and fun:

  • Tell me a joke.
  • Pick a comedy I will watch tonight.
  • Tell me a daily horoscope for Aries.
  • What should I cook today? I am craving something sweet.
  • How tall is the highest mountain of Canada?
  • What do they play in my local cinema today?

Artificial Intelligence and Personalisation

Even though many of us don’t realize it, artificial intelligence adapts to us, not the other way around. A perfect example of this is the personal customization we experience on the devices and platforms we use. For instance, YouTube always suggests songs we love based on what we’ve listened to so far. Netflix gives us movie recommendations based on our preferences, and online stores show us clothes we liked before. This makes using these platforms so much easier.

Read also: How to invest money? Everything you need to know.

Transportation and Navigation

There are very few people these days who travel with a paper map in hand. It’s far more common to see a driver set up a navigation app on their phone, which gives detailed directions and automatically guides them on the fastest route. On top of that, these apps alert drivers to traffic jams along the way and even notify them of police checkpoints.

Monitoring Our Health

Whether it’s our smartphone or our smartwatches, we can use these devices to keep track of our health. These watches can easily measure your heart rate, body temperature, sleep duration and quality, and the number of hours you’ve spent on your feet, walking, running, sitting, or driving throughout the day. When it comes to exercise, these watches are great at assessing how your workout went, how long it lasted, and how many calories you burned.



Artificial Intelligence and Us

Artificial intelligence has gradually become part of our daily lives, and it’s up to us how we embrace it. The truth is, it can easily take over many routine tasks, but that doesn’t mean it can completely replace us. It’s not a battle between people and artificial intelligence. It’s simply about those who enjoy getting help from AI and those who don’t! 🙂

“Computers are useless; they can only give you answers.” – Pablo Picasso


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