Author: Martina

What is the future of lawyers?

We had an opportunity to attend an amazing Legal Disruptors Conference 2022 in Prague. Legal Disruptors Conference brings world class legal pioneers and innovators together to join various in-depth workshops and networking activities. This global conference focuses on Legal Tech, Business Innovations, Soft Skills, Marketing, and Business Development for lawyers. Elite world speakers and representatives of the domestic scene appeared on stage. The main stars of the Legal Disruptors conference, organized by the Cover Story agency team, included Dutch strategist Jaap Bosman with the topic “The 7 Dimensions of Successful Lawyers”, Ugandan lawyer who was included in the top five most influential women in the field of legal technology Alice Namuli Blazevic and Swedish developer Tobias Ahlin. It is worth watching the entire conference video. Soon we will bring you an interview with Jaap Bosman given exclusively to the Women in Action magazine.   Stay in touch with us also on Linkedln.

BCC EQUILIBRIUM – Mentoring Programme for Women

The 12th Edition of BCC Equilibrium Mentoring Programme is here and we are offering you to be part of it! Next year’s Edition will be even more exclusive with only approx. 100 Mentoring Couples. This will allow us to organize the Programme offline and to enjoy the networking even more. Save your spot or speak to your boss about joining the Programme and push your boundaries even further. Registration for the 12th Edition is on THIS link One-to-one mentoring sessions, three big events, five workshops with experts, five My Story events, and five online events – this is ahead of us and we are looking forward to seeing you there! Application for all the Mentors & Mentees is out now and it is necessary for all the applicants to fill the registration form on the link above. The 12th Edition also offers the possibility of joining the Programme as an Individual Mentee or you can also apply for a scholarship. More information & requirements are in the Registration Form. Partnership for the companies is open and you can join the Programme as a Partner, Main Partner, General Partner, or Patron and nominate your employees with guaranteed spots in the Equilibrium. The Schedule of the 12th Edition  May 31st – Application & Registration for the Programme Closing June 1st – July 31st – Matchmaking & Pairing August 15th – Announcing of the Mentoring Couples September 10th – Launch of the Programme September 22nd – Opening Session Presentation with Corporate & Mentee packages is on THIS link Apply HERE for the 12th Edition and get yourself a spot! Dream – Dare – Share The main goal of the BCC Equilibrium mentoring programme is to encourage women in business and management positions who are committed to further professional growth, and also to provide support for those women returning to work after an extended period of time, such as after parental leave, or for those who just want to restart their career. The Equilibrium is at the forefront of shaping a new generation of women executives and strengthening gender diversity in the Czech business environment. The motto of the programme is DREAM – DARE – SHARE. The Equilibrium is managed by the Steering Committee  and regional coordinators from Ostrava: Adam Wojtovič, Hana Hoblíková and Brno: Irena Jelínková. Participants The Equilibrium programme is open both women and men, even though men can join only as mentors. Women can join as either mentee or mentor. See the database of current mentors HERE. For participants not based in Prague To make the programme more accessible for those participants who are not based in Prague, we have started operating more intensively in Brno and Ostrava, and we are resolved to continue with this. It means that the mentoring and some of the meetings will take place both in Prague and online. By opening online events we want to get more flexible and open the opportunities for more mentors and mentees. Every effort will be made to match pairs within a reasonable geographical proximity, although online mentoring is definitely also a possibility. The BCC runs Equilibrium with the valued support of Česká spořitelna as the programme’s general sponsor. Thanks to the support of gender diversity in the Czech business environment, the Equilibrium Programme was given patronage from the UN Mission to the Czech Republic and The Capital City Prague.

Zuzana Zamborska: Over the last 10 years, female angel investors have grown by 100%

“You have to work with prejudice, ” says Zuzana Zamborská, who has been helping companies expand abroad for seven years. It has helped them to operate in more than 10 foreign markets. She opens the themes of inclusion and diversity which are crucial for society. She and other women started a women’s investment club. She’s a marketing, sales, and human resources strategist. She is currently working on her three projects.  For Action Women, Zuzana Zamborská said in an interview:  The establishment of a women’s investment club,  according to which they choose, who they support,  how many of the overall start-ups are women,  what kind of start-ups are women getting into. Zuzana, you’re one of the four women who decided to start a women’s investment club. How did this idea turn out? Did you follow your example from abroad?  The idea came when we met the other co-founder, Lucka, in San Francisco. We were both doing business there at the time, and we were inspired by the investment environment and the involvement of women in it. We wanted to help women in Central and Eastern Europe to start investing. We believe that when we bring more women into the investment world, we will be showing the female role models. We will also increase entrepreneurship among women. You are four founders from different disciplines. How did you get connected?  It’s funny that Lucka and I first met in San Francisco, even though we’re both Slovaks. We both have similar backgrounds from the startup environment. We then approached Terka, who has experience in venture capital. Terka has experienced a shortage of women in the area of venture capital. Then Vladka joined us with her marketing startup profile. We all sort of knew each other through mutual friends. They got connected into the Lumus project, which gives us complete meaning. Within the club, you support start-ups in the Central and Eastern European region. What percentage of startups are women?  In my country, it is not a condition that we support only a startup where the founder is a woman, but we attract those in particular. At the same time, we are often called men. It is women among investors who are lacking and want to know women’s views on business. According to what criteria do you select projects to support investments?  As this is an angel investment, i.e. at a very early stage, it is difficult to look at business results. We look at the founders rather than the personalities and their experiences. Of course, we are also assessing the business and the vertical in which they operate, but as you know, in this day-to-day changing world, it is not always easy to predict where the market will go. There are already startups forming that will affect our lives in 10 years. On the other hand, even though it’s an angel investment, we’re looking for startups that have not only an idea, but at least a concept, that is, a beta version, the first customers, etc.  Follow us on Linkedin! It is also important for us that we and the investors can help the start-up, be it our know-how, network or expertise in the vertical. What have you already managed to implement under the investment fund?  So far, we have made three investments – the Romanian HRTech Houston, the Lithuanian PetTech Zenoo and the Dutch market for used BikeFair bicycles.  You’re all women on the team, you’re all still friends?  Yeah, I’d say the opposite is true. Did you divide your work by talent? Tell us who’s doing what. Within Lumus, we have divided our tasks more according to long-standing experience, so Terka, who has a VC profile is in charge of the angel community, Vlaďka marketing, Lucka with the research profile of the start-up and their evaluation. I am responsible for partnerships, as I have experience in sales and marketing. What does the investment club offer? Why is cooperation with you advantageous to startups?  We make up a community from all over the world that wants to help startups. We do not just want to be passive investors.  How are your first supported projects developing? Which one is the most successful?  It is still difficult to assess success as Lumus and the investments are at most 1,5 years old. Meanwhile, all projects are growing and we are trying to help them as much as possible. We have regular meetings with them to discuss their needs. Often, as we are their angel investors, we help them, through our contacts and networks, to find the next round of investment that comes naturally from the growth of startups. You work remotely, online. What do you see as the main benefits and risks? What do I have to look out for when I’m doing business or working and dealing with most things online? What’s so treacherous?  By being on different sides of the world, we’re operating from a distance. As the main benefit, I see the flexibility that we can go away from home for longer periods and work from there, and being used to being online does not really change anything.  The risks or problems – communication – are on it, and businesses are falling. You have to have a defined channel, system, regularity, or how to make a regular follow-up. At the same time, it is important to create space for discussions on long-term visions, which are very important, but are being shifted for the operation. Follow us on Linkedin! What kind of start-up areas do women go into? What is now the ‘ in ’ or the prospective?  The areas into which they are embarking are diverse and cannot be generalized. However, what always works best is if they go into an area with which they have personal experience and want to change it, which is why more and more Femtechs are being created (see the feminist technology version of the term applied to the category of software, diagnostics, products and services that focus on women ’ s health).

Maria Bellova – the first Slovak doctor fought against disease and prejudice

With the beginning of the 20th century, major changes were taking place in the field of medicine. With this, there was a growing interest in medical work. This was also the case for women but they had to fight for their position in hospitals. This is confirmed by the story of Maria Bellova.  At the beginning of the 20th century, women in white coats were rather the exception in several European countries. Slovak patients were also waiting for their first doctor. Many women have shown an interest in their treatment but their desire for a medical mission has been frustrated by prejudice. Maria Bellova, however, has chosen to face up to the disadvantages of the social situation at the time and to win the right to seek treatment.  Her father was her biggest supporter A native of Liptovsky St. Petra was born in 1885 into the family of the Evangelical vicar S. Bell. It was her father who played a key role in Mary’s medical mission. It all started with a home study of Latin, followed by a local school and an extra lyceum study at Banská Štiavnica, which the girls were unable to attend at the time. Mary only went to school for exams, which she always did well. After graduation, she decided to study medicine. Even then, her father played an important role, taking advantage of the contacts and getting her to the medical faculty in Budapest, despite the lack of school management.  Follow us on Linkedin! She wanted to help the sick A courageous student felt the desire to become a doctor at an early age. She had always wanted a job that she could help with, and it was the medical profession that seemed to her to be the best form of help. The watershed moment was the sight of sick Liptov natives returning from construction work in Budapest with tuberculosis. The disease then spread to their families, and many succumbed to it due to lack of health care. After that experience, she was determined to devote her life to medical work, even though she knew she would have to fight for it.  She wasn’t fighting only against diseases The first difficult moments came immediately during her studies in Budapest, where she joined four other women in 1905. Unlike these female students, she was in a rather more difficult position, to which the Slovak nationality subscribed. Not only did the professors not trust that the woman could handle anatomical studies, they often made her feel that Slovak students did not possess the intellect that Hungarian students did. The situation was further exacerbated by the national and emancipation activities organized by students from Slovakia. In spite of all the prejudices and ridicule, in 1910 she successfully graduated, making her the first Slovakian woman to receive a general practitioner’s degree. Medical career of Maria Bellova:  – after graduating from Pécsi, she worked in Psychiatry for more than a year  – After stopping in Pécsi, she spent half a year in surgery in Trenčín  – In 1913, she worked as an intern in Berlin  – In addition to her experience, she completed study visits to Paris and Brussels – subsequently embarked on a medical career in the Romanian Targu Mures  – was a military doctor in Romania during World War I – in 1920 she returned to Slovakia to hospital in Košice  – 5 years later, she joined a TB treatment facility in the Tatras Follow us on Linkedin! She specialized in tuberculosis Maria Bellova’s desire to help people suffering from tuberculosis finally came true. After years of experience and a medical career, she began to suffer from lung problems, which led her to accept a job in Dolny Smokovec where she joined the CBC Children’s Institute in 1925. She first worked as a regular child doctor looking after sick children but later took the place of the primary responsible for running the entire institution. However, aid to sick children filled her, so she stayed in the High Tatras until 1957, when she retired and moved to a family in Moravia, where she lived for 16 years. In 1973, Maria Bellova´s life story was over. However, as an inspiration to young doctors, she is still an example to this day. The native of Liptov was not only the first Slovak doctor. In particular, she is honored by her working attitude and her willingness to devote herself fully to her mission, which has made her one of the best medical years not only in Slovakia. Photo:

She never went into space because she was a woman. Now the 82-year-old pilot has achieved her dream

American businessman Jeff Bezos will be on the first flight with the crew of his space company Blue Origin. He announced it on Instagram in early June. In the New Shepard rocket, his brother and the winner of the ongoing auction will be with him. The flight leaving Texas is scheduled for July 20, the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.  In space, the grandmother An 82-year-old pilot, Wally Funk will be with the wealthiest man on the planet, Jeff Bezos, in the upcoming flight into space. It was announced on Thursday by the Bezos Blue Origin Company. Wally Funk wanted to become an astronaut a few decades ago and received the relevant training in the 1960s. But she never went into space because she was a woman. At that time, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) chose only men as astronauts. The space will change you “Seeing the Earth from space will change you, it will change your relationship with this planet. This is one Earth”, said Amazon’s founder in an Instagram video. As he also explained in it, he wants to fly because he wanted to ‘do it all his life’. “It’s an adventure. It’s a big deal for me”, he said.  The auction for the New Shepard seat is over. The highest bid was worth $2.8 million. Almost 6 000 participants from 143 countries took part in the auction. The prize money is donated to the Club for the Future Foundation, founded by Blue Origin. Its mission is to inspire future generations to work in science and technology and to help shape the future of life in the universe. The flight of the New Shepard spacecraft should only take about ten minutes. For approximately four minutes, the crew will spend more than 100 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. The flight will take off from the Texas desert, and the invaders will have the opportunity to feel weightless and observe the Earth’s curvature. The manned module will return to Earth and land with three large parachutes.  Source: – Blue Origin will launch its first crew into space and plans to be the founder of the Amazon, Jeff Bezos © SITA All rights reserved.


Latest clothing collection 4F×AL ESSENTIALS has been designed in line with the principles of more sustainable fashion. The garments are fully made of organic cotton and recycled polyester. The line foreshadows larger collection by 4F and Anna Lewandowska which will premiere this summer. Colours of the 4F and Anna Lewandowska’s track suits have been inspired by natural landscape. Water, sky and sand are reflected in three colour variants of the clothes. Off-white models were not dyed thus preserving the natural colour of yarn, which they had been made of. Natural colouring and timeless cuts were selected according to the mix&match rule, where various items can be worn together maintaining the look’s coherence. References to landscape do not end with aesthetics. The entire collection has been created in accordance with the 4F CHANGE strategy, which aims at minimising negative impact of the textile industry on the environment. The line of clothes is made exclusively of materials obtained in more sustainable way. They are composed in 79 percent of organic cotton and in 21 percent of recycled polyester. Meanwhile, t-shirts are made of organic cotton only. Protection of our planet and related issues are extremely important for both our team at 4F as well as Anna Lewandowska, who has been supporting #4FChange strategy from its very beginning. We created, inter alia, Wear_Fair zone in our outlets, where we give clothes a second life. While designing the latest 4F×AL collection, we wanted to create high quality clothes made of more eco-friendly materials, which will allow their users to enjoy them for many years, said Magdalena Stępień-Łyga, Senior Brand Director and Board of Directors Member, OTCF. 4F×AL ESSENTIALS track suits are perfect for warm, summer days. Fabrics were selected to ensure maximum comfort for their users. These are high-quality materials making clothes both sheer and soft in touch. Antibacterial solutions hamper the growth of microorganisms, which are responsible for the unpleasant smell. Michaela Kralikova: I dont like when people or brands play games I’m really proud of the ESSENTIALS collection and I must admit that I was impatiently waiting for the moment when it enters 4F outlets and I’m able to share the effects of this cooperation with everyone. It’s a special collection for me, because we’ve put nature first, and everything was created in a sustainable manner, with care for the environment in mind, which has been motivating me to act, grow and work on my habits for a long time, said Anna Lewandowska. The latest collection foreshadows larger collection by 4F and Anna Lewandowska which will premiere this summer. 4F×AL ESSENTIALS collection is available in 4F outlets and on 4F website: