Author: Tamara Mrázová


Do you know what biohacking is? In other words, it’s experimenting with your own body.

In today’s world, there’s a strong focus on our physical and mental well-being. It’s a form of self-love where we strive to give our bodies the best possible care. We experiment with what works for us and what doesn’t. This phenomenon is known in expert circles as “biohacking,” and we’ll explain what it’s all about. What is Biohacking? Biohacking is an increasingly popular way for people to enhance their health and well-being through small changes in their lives. It can involve anything from a proper diet, aiming for quality sleep, and exercise, to the content we absorb around us. In plain English, biohacking involves monitoring and tracking ourselves. The goal is to wake up feeling better than the day before. One of the benefits is slowing down aging and achieving mental stability that we might have previously neglected, and perhaps didn’t even realise we should be working on. Practical Ways of Biohacking Nutrition We have the opportunity to experiment with different eating habits and diets. As we take into account our food allergies and intolerances. Often, we ask ourselves what we enjoy the most while also trying to find a balance with what provides our body with the best nutrition. We turn to local suppliers and organic foods with minimal processing.   Intermittent fasting has become quite popular. It’s a eating pattern where periods of eating alternate with fasting. The most common fasting phase lasts 16 hours, followed by an 8-hour eating window. Another frequently mentioned diet is the ketogenic diet, which aims to make your body burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Read also: Great zucchini recipes you must try Sleep Many biohackers monitor the quality of their sleep using wristbands and apps. They also try to improve their sleep by creating a peaceful environment and experimenting with their sleep routine. Before bed, they attempt to block blue light from screens and implement a “no screen time” period 30 minutes before sleeping. This means they engage in activities other than looking at screens, including TVs, phones, and laptops. They sleep in complete darkness and a comfortably cool environment. Exercise Everyone looks for what suits them best. However, biohackers aim for the most effective workouts and often choose short, intense exercises like HIIT, as they are great for those who don’t have much time but want results. Yoga and Tabata aren’t as popular in their circles as one might initially think. Biohackers also experiment with methods like cryotherapy, extreme cold, or red light therapy, which aid muscle recovery and reduce inflammation. Mental Stimulation With this modern practice, it’s not just about what food you put into your body but also about the information and content you take in mentally. Biohackers focus on nourishing their minds through reading books, listening to favorite music, and engaging with culture. They keep gratitude journals and follow their faith. They separate friendly relationships from work ones and turn to family life for balance. Whether biohacking is right for you or not, we hope this article has given you insight into what a biohacker does. Would you try experimenting with your body in this way? Is this practice appealing to you? You might not have realised it, but perhaps you’re a biohacker yourself!


How can artificial intelligence help us in everyday life?

Artificial intelligence is gradually dividing the world into three overlapping groups. Some people absolutely love it, others firmly reject it, and the last group switches between the two options. Whether you’re ready to give AI a chance or still have doubts, you’re in the right place. In today’s article, we’ll show how artificial intelligence can help us in our everyday lives. You might even be inspired to make it your personal assistant! Assistants If you own a smartphone, it’s very likely that you have a voice assistant on it. For Apple users, we’re talking about the well-known “Siri,” which you activate with a simple greeting. Voice assistants are also found on phones from other developers. So, how can these assistants help us? Easily! They can answer most of our questions related to general information. Get inspired: Practical questions: What’s the weather today? What’s the time in Mexico right now? How do you say “hello” in German? How do I find out what 67 times 8 is? Are there traffic jams in Bratislava right now? How long does it take to drive from Manchester to London? Practical tasks for your smartphone: Set alarm for 8:30 tomorrow morning. Set timer for 30 minutes. Send my sister a message saying: I am okay. Play the newest album from Coldplay. Find a recipe for a carrot cake? Make a reminder: Don’t forget to take an umbrella with you. Assistant for leisure and fun: Tell me a joke. Pick a comedy I will watch tonight. Tell me a daily horoscope for Aries. What should I cook today? I am craving something sweet. How tall is the highest mountain of Canada? What do they play in my local cinema today? Artificial Intelligence and Personalisation Even though many of us don’t realize it, artificial intelligence adapts to us, not the other way around. A perfect example of this is the personal customization we experience on the devices and platforms we use. For instance, YouTube always suggests songs we love based on what we’ve listened to so far. Netflix gives us movie recommendations based on our preferences, and online stores show us clothes we liked before. This makes using these platforms so much easier. Read also: How to invest money? Everything you need to know. Transportation and Navigation There are very few people these days who travel with a paper map in hand. It’s far more common to see a driver set up a navigation app on their phone, which gives detailed directions and automatically guides them on the fastest route. On top of that, these apps alert drivers to traffic jams along the way and even notify them of police checkpoints. Monitoring Our Health Whether it’s our smartphone or our smartwatches, we can use these devices to keep track of our health. These watches can easily measure your heart rate, body temperature, sleep duration and quality, and the number of hours you’ve spent on your feet, walking, running, sitting, or driving throughout the day. When it comes to exercise, these watches are great at assessing how your workout went, how long it lasted, and how many calories you burned. Artificial Intelligence and Us Artificial intelligence has gradually become part of our daily lives, and it’s up to us how we embrace it. The truth is, it can easily take over many routine tasks, but that doesn’t mean it can completely replace us. It’s not a battle between people and artificial intelligence. It’s simply about those who enjoy getting help from AI and those who don’t! 🙂 “Computers are useless; they can only give you answers.” – Pablo Picasso  


European Day of Languages is coming up on September 26th! It’s a celebration of diversity and richness

The European Union proudly embraces the motto “united in diversity,” highlighting the diverse countries and their incredible ability to cooperate and share a sense of belonging. Unlike some other continents, Europe, along with the EU member states, is particularly diverse, partly due to its languages. On September 26th, we celebrate this uniqueness with European Day of Languages. This day each year reminds us of the cultural enrichment, customs, and traditions that come closer to us through foreign languages. It encourages us to value our diversity and use this cultural variety to broaden our horizons. Here are some language-related interesting facts: The European Union recognises 24 official languages across its member countries. Many countries have their own local languages, bringing the total to nearly 200. For example, Spain not only has Spanish but also three co-official languages: Catalan, Galician, and Basque. These languages come from diverse language families and have little in common. Multilingualism is a significant source of pride for Europeans, and it’s common for people to speak three or four languages. Some languages are endangered, like Breton in France, which efforts are being made to preserve. Europe is home to museums and centers dedicated to languages and language history, such as the Language Museum in Helsinki. Many linguists and language institutes in Europe focus on language research, including the preservation of endangered languages. Read also: Everything you need to do before starting your vacation “EUROPE IS NOT JUST A CONTINENT BUT ALSO A CONCEPT. A CONCEPT OF MUTUAL SOLIDARITY AND UNITY.” – JEAN MONNET The European Day of Languages has a clear purpose. Its goal is also to encourage Europeans to learn new languages, which opens up more opportunities for studying, working, traveling, and overall living a better life within the Union. It might not seem like it, but language learning, especially English, is quite widespread in Slovakia. Kids start learning it at a very young, preschool age and continue all the way through their studies. Language programs at universities are also hugely popular since studying languages is a favorite among students. Slovakia exceeds European averages This is backed up by a study showing that in Europe, up to 90% of children learn a foreign language. For adults, 56% speak at least one other language besides their native one. In Slovakia, we exceed this average, with 75% of people speaking at least one additional language. Every language carries its own unique way of thinking, values, and traditions that enrich our shared European culture. Even though social distancing is common these days, languages are a way we can all feel a little closer. They are a source of understanding, mutual respect, and a sense of belonging. Thank you, dear Europe!

Erika Matwij

Succession in a family business or the appointment of an external CEO? The Institute of Family Business is here to help you navigate this decision.

Selecting the right leadership is a critical decision for family businesses, one that can significantly impact their future. They often face the dilemma of choosing between an external CEO, who can bring fresh perspectives and expertise, or a hereditary successor, who is believed to deeply understand the company’s values and traditions. Is choosing a generational successor, someone who grew up in the company environment, really the easiest path? What if such a candidate isn’t available or lacks interest in leading the company? In the case of an external CEO, how can we be sure they will truly meet the necessary criteria? Will they lead the company with the same value system that has guided it so far? We explored these questions in more detail with Erika Matwij, President of the Institute of Family Business and an expert in family enterprises. The Institute of Family Business offers comprehensive support to family businesses in managing succession. Their assistance focuses on selecting the most appropriate strategy based on the specific needs of the business family and ensuring the continuity of the company. The institute provides a wide range of services, including expert consultancy, successor education, and strategic planning, facilitating a smooth and successful leadership transition to the next generation. What is the most challenging aspect of the mentioned “generational transition”? A generational transition in a family business is a complex process that involves not only passing leadership to the next generation but also preserving family values and ensuring the continuity of the family enterprise. THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECT OF A GENERATIONAL TRANSITION IN FAMILY BUSINESSES IS THE EMOTIONAL SIDE OF THE PROCESS. Founders, who have dedicated their entire lives to building the company, often find it difficult to relinquish control. They may fear whether the new generation will be able to uphold and advance their vision and values. This sense of loss can be exacerbated by a lack of trust in the successors’ abilities, leading to tension and conflict within the family. Another significant obstacle is the lack of communication and transparency. Family members may have different visions for the company’s future, which can lead to conflict if these expectations are not clearly communicated. Additionally, there is the challenge of adapting to changes in corporate culture. The new generation may introduce innovative approaches and ideas that differ from the founder’s traditional methods. If these differences are not properly managed, they can create further tension among family members. What should be considered during such a transition? First and foremost, preparing successors is crucial. This preparation should include not only professional education but also practical experience and personal development to ensure they are capable of successfully leading the company. It is equally important that successors learn from the older generation, who can pass down their experience and know-how. However, this often presents a challenge as founders may not dedicate sufficient time to mentoring the next generation. Additionally, defining a long-term strategy and vision that reflects the company’s core values is essential. Lastly, establishing a family council is important, as it helps prevent conflicts and ensures clear rules are in place. This includes managing asset distribution, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution methods. Can such a transition strain family relationships? One of the main sources of tension is differing views on the future of the company. The older generation may adhere to traditional methods of management, while the younger generation might favor modernization and innovative approaches. If these differences are not resolved through open communication, they can indeed lead to long-term conflicts and significantly strain family relationships. A GENERATIONAL TRANSITION SHOULD ALSO BE SEEN AS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. This process can serve as a platform for open dialogue, allowing family members to clarify their expectations, resolve misunderstandings, and address any past conflicts. If managed correctly, the transition can strengthen not only the company but also the relationships between family members. It creates a clearer, more unified vision for the company’s future, accepted by all involved. What if there is no next generation in the family to take over the business? If there is no capable or willing next generation in the family to assume leadership, several alternative succession solutions are available. One option is to appoint an external professional manager to run the company. This approach allows the business to remain under family ownership while ensuring its future growth and stability. If the family is not interested in continuing the business, another option is to sell the company. While this can be an emotionally challenging decision, it can provide financial security and allow the family to focus on other ventures or investments. We will be discussing this and many other topics at the International Family Business Congress, taking place on September 19-20, 2024, in the enchanting setting of Château Belá Hotel. What can we look forward to at the congress? The International Family Business Congress is a unique event for owners and members of family businesses. It offers new perspectives and inspiration each year for Slovak family enterprises. This year, we can anticipate a diverse lineup of both international and local experts and speakers. They will focus on key topics such as sudden succession, external management, family legacy across generations, and many more. In addition to inspiring success stories, the congress will provide practical advice and concrete strategies through 11 specialized workshops designed to address the challenges faced by family businesses. The congress will also feature an evening program with a musical performance by Peter Lipa and his son. On the second day, there will be additional activities. Including individual consultations with family business experts, test drives of Tesla vehicles, and other accompanying events. For more information about the International Family Business Congress, visit: International Family Business Congress Learn more about the Institute of Family Business here: All about the Institute

Influencer Michaela Beat Cancer: “In the End, Cancer Gave Me More Than It Took”

Michaela Žemberová is one of the well-known content creators on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Recently, she faced a difficult challenge — a battle with cancer. Despite the hardships, Michaela managed to document her journey on her profile, showing the raw and real side of the illness. We sat down with Michaela for an interview, where she shared more about this life-changing experience. “I’M GLAD THAT THROUGH MY VIDEOS, I CAN GIVE OTHERS THE MOTIVATION AND STRENGTH TO FIGHT,” SAYS MICHAELA. How did you find out about your illness? Why did you decide to see a doctor? I started noticing some symptoms, but you don’t immediately think of the worst-case scenario. I was often tired, had lost weight rapidly—which I actually liked—but I had severe pain in my armpits and a persistent cough for six months straight. It only quieted down when I started chemotherapy. There were other symptoms too, but I kind of rationalized them away. I thought I was just overworked or that it was a time when everyone seemed to be sick, and I believed those clichés. I never would have guessed it would turn out to be what it actually was. I wouldn’t have gone to the doctor on my own, but I had an appointment for a breast ultrasound in January, thinking I’d be free from doctors for most of the year. How ironic. Instead, I ended up seeing doctors all year long. During that check-up, they found some troubling findings in the lymph nodes and sent me for further tests. My blood work and X-rays didn’t come back well, so I had to go to hematology and get a CT scan. When the doctors started suspecting cancer, I had to undergo a biopsy, which ultimately confirmed it. “MY WHOLE LIFE DRASTICALLY CHANGED WITHIN 2 WEEKS.” CLAIMS MICHAELA Michaela, what was your initial emotion? I was incredibly angry that this was happening to me. I kept asking why. You have to go through certain stages to process it all. This includes a phase where you reject the illness and blame everyone around you for why it had to happen to you. I often wondered if I was such a bad person that life had to hit me with this lesson. Then came the fear of what was ahead, like the chemotherapy. Eventually, I came to terms with it. Now, a year after treatment and being in remission, I look back on the whole experience differently. I’m actually grateful for it. It changed how I see life, made me appreciate every day I wake up healthy, and enjoy the simple things, like eating without feeling sick or being able to go wherever I want and have the energy to do it. In the end, cancer gave me way more than it took away. Does a person’s outlook on life change? I was really afraid that over time, my perspective on life would slip back into old habits, that I’d stop being grateful and start taking everything for granted again. But I realized that it’s up to me how I see the world. Whenever I feel myself drifting in the wrong direction, I just stop and think about the old Miška—how she looked out the window, wishing it would all end so she could live normally again. I remember envying everyone who went to work, went out, and enjoyed every day. There were days when I could barely make it to the bathroom. Remembering what I went through last year fills me with immense gratitude for being able to live normally again. Michaela, did people see you differently? People definitely look at you differently when you’re sick. I felt like the world suddenly became a better place because everyone was so kind, smiling, and offering encouraging words. Even strangers, like people in stores, were supportive. It gave me incredible strength to keep fighting. How did your treatment go? It lasted six months, and it was like a rollercoaster. I gradually learned how my body worked—when the medication to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy would stop working and when my white blood cell count would be at its lowest, so my body needed rest. I had two types of chemotherapy. The first was extremely strong, but after the CT scan, we found it had worked, so we switched to a milder one because I was worried my body couldn’t handle the aggressive treatment. With the milder ABVD chemotherapy, I was able to function relatively well—I could cook and occasionally tidy up, but I still spent a lot of time in bed. I wanted to give my body the rest it so desperately needed and deserved. Throughout the treatment, my boyfriend was there for me, giving me various injections for thinning my blood and boosting my white blood cells. I have to say, I couldn’t have done it without him. What brought you the most joy and relief during your treatment? We first decided with the doctors to start with a more aggressive chemotherapy called BEACOPP. It affects a lot of things, including fertility, and I had it for two months. Those were probably the hardest two months of my life. My body completely stopped functioning. After two months, I was scheduled for a CT scan to see how the cancer was progressing and whether we needed to adjust the treatment. When I went a few days later for my chemotherapy at the hospital, the doctors already had the results. I remember the immense relief and joy I felt when the doctor told me that the chemotherapy had worked—really worked! My mom and I cried tears of joy. It was a huge boost. I went into the next round of chemotherapy with a smile and renewed determination. “I LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT AND FIND JOY IN ALL THE LITTLE THINGS.” SAYS MICHAELA What surprised you the most about this experience? What surprised me the most was how I managed to face the illness itself. I’m still amazed and often find myself wondering where I found the strength to fight cancer while outwardly seeming like I just had a common cold. I’m incredibly proud of myself. I no longer plan things too far ahead because life can change unexpectedly. I have immense respect for the word “cancer” now. It truly turned my life upside down. Michaela, what would you say to those going through the same struggle? I know exactly how you’re feeling right now. Even with friends and family around, you can feel lonely and misunderstood. Hang in there and keep fighting—things will get better. I’m rooting for you and believe that fate will align with your hopes. It has to. Life is precious and worth every bit of effort.


Drinking tea has more benefits than one might think!

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with a history that goes back thousands of years. This aromatic drink is linked not only to Eastern cultures but also to a wealth of health benefits. From the delicate taste of green tea to the bold notes of black tea, every cup offers a unique sensory experience. But it’s not just about the flavor. Do you know what other benefits just one or two cups a day can bring you? A Great Antioxidant – Tea Protects Our Cells Tea, especially green and white varieties, is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect cells from damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Some of the most common issues caused by cell damage include inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even the simple aging of the skin. Weight Loss Support – Tea Boosts Metabolism Green tea and some herbal ones contain compounds that can boost metabolism and help burn fat, making them useful for weight management. In many cases, drinking it can also reduce appetite and promote a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The hydration this drink provides is also key when it comes to weight loss. Read also: All of the benefits that meditation offers Better Focus –  We Pay More Attention This baverage contains caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine, which together improve concentration, memory, and overall alertness without the side effects often caused by too much coffee. It doesn’t create dependency, and even if you stop drinking it, you won’t feel like you’re missing out. The polyphenols in it naturally support and improve brain health. Your Liver Will Thank You  This drink can have protective effects on the liver and support its health by aiding in detoxification and reducing the risk of liver diseases. Research shows that drinking just three cups of green tea a week can help your body detox. Interesting Fun Facts  It is the second most consumed beverage in the world after plain water and is surprisingly more popular globally than coffee. In ancient China, it was highly valued and even used as currency. If a host in Morocco offers you a cup of this baverage, it’s a sign that you are warmly welcomed into their home. Tea bags were invented by accident. Merchant Thomas Sullivan used small bags to evenly portion out tea. However, customers thought they were meant to brew the tea in the bags rather than opening them. Green, white, and black tea all come from the same plant. The difference lies in how the leaves are processed afterward.


Viral TikTok beauty trends of 2024

Social platform TikTok is thriving, and it became a breeding ground for viral trends that capture the attention of millions of people worldwide. From dance challenges, recipes, or DIY projects, TikTok trends are now shaping our culture. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most notable TikTok beauty trends. Sunset blush This is supposedly the prettiest makeup trend to come out of TikTok. The sunset blush is a reference to when you look up to the sky and see hues of pink, orange, and gold colours. To recreate this trend, you do not even have to be an experienced makeup artist. All need are two shades of blush (pink and orange) and a gold highlighter. Sunset blush is summer’s biggest makeup trend. The original creator now has a whopping 9.5 million views. Another blush trend involves creating a sun-kissed or even slightly “sunburned” look. It has been popularized by applying blush not just to the cheeks, but across the nose and upper cheekbones. Broccoli freckles One of the latest makeup hacks taking over social media were broccoli freckles. A broccoli floret and a cream bronzer should be the tools you will need to create the best faux freckles. By adding or loosing pressure when pressing, you can decide how pronounced you want them to look. Make sure to apply them over your nose and cheeks for a more natural effect. This hack might be useful, but also wasteful as the broccoli will end up in the trash. Some people even go for tattooed freckles. This is a long-lasting way of obtaining freckles on your face. However, you might only get one beauty mark tattooed to differentiate yourself from others. Clean girl aesthetic If you cannot imagine what this trend is, think of someone who always looks, smells, and dresses amazing. It refers to a look and lifestyle that is effortlessly chic and elegant while remaining casual and minimal. Self-care is very important and maintaining this aesthetic might even feel like a full-time job. In terms of makeup opt for a natural “no makeup” look with a dewy skin. Few celebrities referred to as clean girls include Hailey Bieber or Sofia Richie. Glazed donut skin This trend involves achieving ultra-dewy, glowing skin that looks almost “glazed,” like a donut. The key is layering hydrating products, including serums, oils, and moisturizers, to create a luminous finish. After your skin has been prepared, pair your hydrated and glowy skin with minimal makeup. Fix your eyebrows, include light blush for colour, some clear lip gloss, and finally add some highlighter for additional glow. Jelly makeup Jelly makeup trend is all about using makeup that has a gel-like consistency. It is inspired by the bouncy textures and translucency of jelly products. This kind of products might even have a cooling effect and be hydrating for the skin. Using jelly makeup like blush, highlighter, or eyeshadow can help you accomplish a seamless, dewy and fresh makeup look. Bleached eyebrows The trend of bleached brows started during the Fashion Week. Soon after it appeared on Met Gala, and then it took over the social media internationally. Julia Fox, Kendall Jenner, or Bella Hadid are all celebrities that have posted a photo with bleached eyebrows. The process can be done at home, but if you do not feel brave enough just yet, try covering your eyebrows in light powder first. Heatless curls One of my favourite beauty trends is creating voluminous bouncy curls without any heat. This method is focused on hair health as you are not damaging it with heath or additional styling products. Techniques to achieve this look include using socks, bathrobe belts, or special curling bands bought online. To add some shine and break up those curls, run through your hair with some hair oil. Chrome nails Metallic, mirror-like finish that will give you a high-tech futuristic look. The two basic colourways are silver and gold. However, if you are looking to stand out, go for more bold colours, and even holographic effect. Currently #chromenails has over 240K posts on TikTok. These trends showcase TikTok’s influence in shaping beauty routines, makeup techniques, styling, and the overall look. The diversity of beauty content, for both minimalists and those who love bold, experimental looks is outstanding. Whether you’re into subtle enhancements or greater transformations, there’s a trend to match every style.


Let’s celebrate Slovak Constitution Day

The adoption of Slovakia’s constitution is celebrated on September 1st annually. Amongst people living in Slovakia, it is known as “Deň Ústavy Slovenskej Republiky” and it is also a public holiday. After the constitution got implemented in 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two independent countries. If you want to learn more, read along. Brief history Slovakia’s history started in the 6th century B.C., when first Slavic people settled in the mountains of Central Europe. Slavic land has been occupied by Moravian Empire, the Hungarians, and the Germans. The First World War in 1918 brought Slovakia and Czechia together, which created Czechoslovakia. After later occupation of Germany, the country was “freed” by the Soviet Union in 1945. Communism ruled until 1989 after protests leading up to a revolution. The Slovak Constitution in a result of the Velvet Revolution and until this day remains to have a great importance for Slovaks. Timeline of the Constitution 1918 – after the World War I started, land of Slovakia and Czechia created a joint state called Czechoslovakia 1990 – the Communist Rule came to an end after 40 years and there are first drafts of the constitution 1992 – the constitution was passed on the 1st of September by the Slovak National Council 1993 – Czechoslovakia split into two separate and independent countries “We really have a lot to be proud of. It’s amazing to represent a country for what it truly is.”- Zuzana Čaputová Why is Constitution Day important? Independence Slovak citizens have struggled with identity for centuries, the split of the nations paved a new way for people to create a new and better history for themselves. New country As Slovakia is a one of the youngest countries, amending a constitution was quite a challenge. Annual constitution day renews the commitment to the public. Celebration of sovereignty After the Hungarians, Communism, and many other struggles, Slovakia finally separated to create a new sovereign nation. The anniversary of the constitution reminds us of the strength and enables us to honour Slovak heroes. Fun facts about Slovakia Slovakia produces the largest number of cars per capita in the world The most successful sport is ice hockey Celebrities like Andy Warhol, Angelina Jolie or Jon Bon Jovi have parents/grandparents from Slovakia In Levoča there is the tallest wooden altar in the world Slovakia has the largest supply of fresh water right after Austria

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