Why are we called creatures if we don’t create? Creativity has long been the driving force behind many technological innovations and progressive ideas. Thanks to creativity, we can achieve another significant thing: standing out from the crowd. Whether as an individual or a company. There are no limits to creativity. But what to do when we’re convinced we are simply not creative? Marketing expert Matej Valo argues that it can be learned. And indeed, everyone can discover it within themselves. What’s behind your brand Teória kreativity? (Theory of creativity) The Theory of Creativity is my platform through which I teach how to encourage creative thinking and engage in creative marketing. Whether through quality writing, creative techniques, AI, or brand building, my goal is to help you unleash your creative potential. The name is derived from my life experience, which has proven to me that creativity can be learned by anyone. It has its own rules, principles, techniques, and patterns that you can master and use to generate ideas. I’ve tested this theory on myself because I am not naturally a creative person. In school, I excelled at solving math problems but struggled with essays. I studied management and began working in an advertising agency as a project manager. CREATIVITY CAN BE LEARNED BY ANYONE. Eventually, however, I dived more into writing advertising texts. Initially, I was just an average copywriter. I threw myself into education with a desire to improve. Fortunately, I succeeded. I worked my way up to creative director, won several awards, and became a judge at competitions. After 10 years in an advertising agency, I decided that I wanted to pass on what I had learned. I have always been close to education. Educating myself. Now, I’ve expanded this to include others. This is why the Theory of Creativity was born. And why creativity? I guess it was probably more of a coincidence. I got a job at an advertising agency and had to write copy for websites. And that’s where I struggled. To boost my self-esteem, I always motivate myself to work on things until I become advanced and receive validation from others. This is a great trait in terms of motivation and self-development. However, it’s terrible if strive to have mental balance and a sense of satisfaction (laughter). I TEND TO GET EXCITED ABOUT SOMETHING I’M NOT GOOD AT. IT MOTIVATES ME TO IMPROVE. What intrigued me about creativity and writing is that it’s not just about improvisation or talent; it has its own steps and processes. I noticed progress in myself when I mastered these. Creativity fascinates and entertains me also due to various scientific curiosities. For instance, creative people tend to live slightly longer or have a tendency to lie more. How do you convince your clients about their creativity? What if they are convinced that they are not creative at all? I either tell them my story or explain a few creative techniques on how to come up with ideas or write something specific (a blog title, a LinkedIn post, storytelling, etc.). They quickly realise, ‘Oh, it really can be done.’ When you know how to do it. I learned it myself through marketing books, dozens of copywriting blogs, but mainly by analysing other texts and campaigns. I tried to understand how those creatives from competing agencies write and come up with their ideas. Who would have thought that being an analytical type helped me a lot there. What I couldn’t find in professional literature, I was able to deduce to some extent on my own. But I always felt a bit sorry that I didn’t have a mentor in the agency from whom I could learn. It’s more efficient. In recent years, I have regularly paid for courses from renowned experts. SELF-EDUCATION IS FINE, BUT MENTORING AND COURSES ENABLE SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER PROGRESS What is copywriting? Although many people think so, it is not about writing any kind of texts. It is about writing texts aimed at sales or another action leading to a purchase (e.g., subscribing to a newsletter). It should not be confused with content marketing, whose primary goal is to create quality content and build a fan base. Although the lines between these two worlds are often very thin and frequently intersect. What is your opinion about artificial intelligence? If you create a lot of content all day long, it would be very inefficient not to use it. At least in the process of research, editing, or finding inspiration for topics. That’s why it is already a common part of the processes in professional advertising agencies. However, if you only write about 2-4 posts per week for social media, you can easily do without it. In many cases, it will even be more beneficial because some people might become lazy and leave everything to AI. In such cases, it is better not to use it at all. If you rely too much on artificial intelligence and let it write most of the texts, it harms their quality and later on also their engagement. People want to interact with other people on social media. They want to know their common values, opinions, experiences, they enjoy specific types of humor. And AI can’t do that well yet. Fortunately. It would be a shame if it could. However, we will see what the future brings. Do you think that artificial intelligence has the real potential to replace us? There are two basic perspectives on this issue. Either it will replace us, or it won’t and we will just use it to help us. I like a third perspective… We will label content created by humans—even if it is more expensive or less efficient and possibly worse over time. But for us humans, it will have a higher value because of the human touch, and we will be willing to pay extra for it. Just as many of us are now happy to pay extra for handmade products. So we will have content from both AI and HUMANMADE, and everyone will choose what they prefer. I personally would prefer if AI development stayed where it is now. It’s a nice compromise where AI just helps us out, like the internet or a smartphone. The creation is still primarily up to us and our own creativity. I hope it stays that way.
Gender stereotypes affect societies everywhere, shaping how men and women are perceived and treated. In Slovakia, traditional views still influence roles at home and work, despite some progress. Men are often seen as providers, while women are expected to manage household duties. Unfortunately, women face various stereotypes such as gender discrimination, insufficient ensuring of equal opportunities for men and women, difficult roles of being mothers and so on. By examining these issues, we aim to highlight the progress made and the steps still needed to achieve true equality between men and women. We got the chance to discuss this topic with the Ambassador of the Cyprus Embassy in Slovakia, Paraskevi Tsaparidou, to explore strategies and progress in addressing these vital problems. Are there any typical stereotypes between genders in your home country? Have you encountered any visible differences in Slovakia? Gender stereotypes exist in all countries. Many times, they are so deeply rooted in society or in the collective subconscious, that we don’t even realize them. In Cyprus, although there is noticeable progress in recent years, we are still faced, for example, with stereotypes concerning feminine and male professions. Also, the role of women in the household is something that has changed very little over the years. In this sense, Cyprus, like Slovakia, is still very traditional, where the man is viewed and accepted as the provider, and the woman as the carer. In Slovakia, in the short time I have been here, I have noticed many women working, for example, as taxi drivers and in Public Transport, which is not so common in Cyprus. I am also struck by the fact that many women who belong to one, two or even three previous generations have a university education. The Turkish conflict Additionally, one aspect that is very different between the two countries, is the way the women of Cyprus were affected by the 1974 Turkish military invasion and the occupation of one third of the country since then. This trauma is still very visible in the collective memory of Cypriot women. The development of the society and the social norms, was also very linked with the needs created by the economic and social destruction of 1974. One third of the population was displaced and lost all their livelihood. This forced the displaced women to take additional roles in order to contribute to the family budget, while, at the same time, they assumed great responsibilities to rebuilding their family’s life in displacement. It was quite frequent that they would do this all alone, as their life partners were victims of war (killed, injured or went missing) or emigrated to support the quick economic recovery of their family and the country. Do you believe women can perform their jobs as professionally as men can? Of course! I firmly believe it! Women, as professionals, are perfectly capable to compete with their male colleagues on an absolutely equal footing, if they are given the same tools. Unfortunately, though, even today, in most societies, women are expected to take up more obligations than men within the household. They are expected to be full-time parent, carer of elders, cook, cleaner etc. All those responsibilities, and multiple-roles force them to compromise their professional ambitions, to enable their male partners – providers, to advance their own. It is exactly this stereotype that arms men with competitive professional advantage, as they are not forced to make any hard choice between family or career. What is a role of working mothers in our society? Why is it that they encounter a great deal of criticism at times When women entered the labor market, they did not abandon the other roles they traditionally held, that of mother, housewife, wife. The redistribution of work outside the home between the two sexes did not bring about the redistribution of responsibilities and tasks inside the home. The working mother is constantly asked to balance between alternating roles and obligations, to become a super woman. And she is called upon to be perfect in all these (conflicting) roles, often without the help or understanding of the state, husband or society, which judges very harshly. This pressure often leads to regrets, stress, exhaustion, anger, or feelings of inadequacy. BOTH PARENTS SHOULD CONTRIBUTE TO TAKING CARE OF HOUSEHOLDS EQUALLY. What are the characteristic traits that working women have that men tend to lack in professional environment and vice versa? I don’t think there is much difference between men and women in the professional field. More depends on personality, character, type of work. Maybe women tend to show more empathy and be more conservative in decision-making, while men take more risks, but in general, I don’t believe in gendered traits. Each person has her or his qualities and weaknesses, both at personal and professional level. WOMEN TEND TO HAVE MORE EMPATHY, WHILE MEN TAKE MORE RISKS. What is the correct approach to addressing issues related to gender-based violence and discrimination, and what resources are available to support survivors? Cyprus became a member of the Council of Europe Convention on combating violence against women and domestic violence in 2017. In 2021 a new law “on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence” was passed. The law provides for the cooperation of many agencies and non-governmental organizations to support the victims. Strategies have been developed to protect victims from abusive behavior in the family and in the workplace. Penalties for perpetrators have been tightened. The road, of course, is still long and the efforts need to be continuous and coordinated by all services. Looking ahead, what priorities does your Embassy have in advancing gender equality and ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in Slovakia? The Embassy of Cyprus will be very happy to participate or offer its support to any initiatives of local NGO and associations, aiming at raising awareness and promoting all issues of gender equality and equal opportunities in Slovakia. Promoting gender equality in foreign policy is one of the priorities of the Government of Cyprus. In this regard, the Embassy will also try to promote cooperation and possible joint initiatives of the competent authorities of the two countries in the European Union the Council of Europe and the United Nations. We believe that through cooperation and empowerment we can achieve our common goals.
After the recent pandemic situation, Slovaks’ desire to be active and live a healthy life has increased. We have returned to activities that the unfavourable pandemic situation had taken from us. Team and individual sports, group training sessions, and exercising in fitness centres have become popular all again. One of the new activities that has gained immense popularity in Slovakia, especially after previously mentioned pandemic, is footgolf. Have you heard of this sport? The game combines golf and football, where the player tries to get a football into large holes on a golf course. Slovak sportswoman, Lucia Čermáková, transformed her love for this sport into tremendous international success, becoming the world champion in footgolf. Her journey to the title is a combination of determination, hard work, and discipline. As one of the pioneers of footgolf in Slovakia, Lucia overcame numerous challenges and inspired future generations of athletes with her great success. How did you start with footgolf? I came across footgolf completely by chance. I was doing an interview as the captain of a football team with one of the journalists. At the end, he asked me if I had heard of footgolf and whether I wanted to try it. It was just after the season, so I took the opportunity and later on signed up for my first tournament. MY BIGGEST SPORT MOTIVATION HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MY PARENTS. Why footgolf? Is it a typical sport for women? This sport is for everyone, raging from children to men, and women to seniors. Women get to play an easier game at some challenging parts of the field, with features like shorter holes. I consider this a big plus since women don’t have as much leg strength as men. I fell in love with footgolf not only because it is an individual sport, whereas my whole life I was more focused on team sports, but also because I can see my own progress and push my limits. WOMEN COMPLEMENT FOOTGOLF WITH THEIR ELEGANCE. When did you come to a realisation that you’d like to play this sport professionally? Such a turning point came about in my second year of playing. At that time, realized that footgolf began to fulfill me more than football. I made new friendships all over the world and had the opportunity to travel to new countries. I started collecting valuable international trophies, and as Slovak women, we have already “earned” respect among the other players. This was also one of the motivations. How did the journey to the World Championships unfold? I reached the World Championships after five years of training and countless tournaments played. Each tournament, whether Slovak or international, taught me incredible lessons, it made me stronger both physically and especially mentally. Obviously, I had to qualify for the World Championships, which wasn’t a problem because I was achieving top placements in Slovak tournaments. I also placed on the podium in international tournaments. We went to the World Championships with the goal of finishing in the top 5, as long as I could withstand the enormous pressure. Fortunately, my mental preparation helped me endure until the very end of the tournament. I KNOW I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO MAKES MISTAKES. THAT’S WHAT SPORTS ARE ABOUT. Do you have any fun or interesting experience from your career? Once, a raccoon stole cookies from our golf cart and ran off into the woods with them. I was also surprised when a teammate kicked the ball into a lake, and an alligator swam up, grabbed the ball, and swam away with it! 🙂 Is footgolf becoming popular nowadays? Footgolf has become popular worldwide, and its popularity continues to grow. New clubs, courses, and competitions are emerging. Many people are starting to play it recreationally, outside of competitions. In Slovakia, new clubs have also been established, and we have two new courses, as well as several new competitions for both players and beginners. I hope that even more players, both men and women, will try out this sport, and I’m sure that they will love it. FOOTGOLF ISN’T JUST FOR PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS. YOU CAN TAKE IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR LOVED ONES.
“We want our podcast V TROJKE (from Slovak: In a threesome) to be as inspiring as the guests who work with us,” said the young founders of the podcast V TROJKE, Matúš “Matty” Drien and Adrián Smolko. In their podcast, they invite inspiring guests to their studio and give them the space to share their stories with the world. What is the idea behind starting your podcast? We described the beginnings of our podcast in our pilot episode. Aďo was my fitness trainer, and after one of our training sessions, we decided to hang out. While chatting, various topics came around. Suddenly, the idea of starting a podcast came up. We immediately started thinking about what our podcast would be called, and it didn’t take us long at all. The theme song and jingle popped into my head right away. We decided on a concept, and the plan was set. All that was left to do, was start recording. How long did it take you to actually start? Straight from the beginning, the whole situation started to get super complicated. Aďo was planning to move from Bratislava to his hometown, but he ended up moving to Germany at the end. The idea of the podcast resonated with us, and when he visited Slovakia after some time, we rented a studio, recorded the first episode, and released it. The first episode was full of laughter and spontaneous conversations. We loved it. Which topics do you guys talk about? We try to give a chance to both adults and children whom we believe should be heard. There aren’t many podcasts that would invite a 12-year-old high school student. We did it because we want to support this generation as well. The more interesting the guest, the better the impressions and reach. However, the truth is that our mission isn’t just about popularity, but primarily about the good feeling and meaningful work that drives us. Leaving the studio with a new story heard and a fresh perspective on the world. WE WANT TO COVER THE TOPICS THAT PEOPLE LOVE. Which of the stories did you find the most inspiring? It’s amazing how all our guests contribute to our podcast in their unique way with their remarkable stories and perspectives. There are always moments when a guest opens up more, and as hosts, we get to live their powerful life stories through them talking just about it. For example, our latest guest, Elenka, brought beautiful insights to our show. Her experiences and presence were incredibly inspiring for us and left an unforgettable impression. During her speech on the podcast, we felt chills all over our bodies, making it clear that this was one of those special moments we will remember for a long time. What can we expect from the podcast next? So far, V TROJKE has been released only in audio format, but starting with the next episode, listeners can look forward to an attractive video format. We are convinced that this format has the power to attract a new audience that might not otherwise not be reached. We can also share it on various online platforms, social networks, and YouTube. Additionally, we are in the process of setting up a new content strategy. We are constantly trying to improve. We want our podcast to be as inspiring as the guests who create it with us. Besides podcast, what do you guys do? Matty: My main job is in the marketing department of the largest insurance company in Slovakia, where I play a dual role as Brand Manager and Art Director. This hybrid approach to the position is unusual, but it works very well for me. As a Brand Manager, I give the brand a new character. As an Art Director, I create its visual appearance. I started working there 4 years ago when I needed to set a new visual for the brand and give it what it deserves. I love it, and at the same time, those who know me well, know that I like life challenges that push me forward and give me room for realization. This is the main reason why, a year ago, together with my friend Maťka, we decided to start a Slovak fashion brand called Enclava. To top it off, I enjoy chatting with Aďo on our podcast V TROJKE 🙂 HARDWORKING PEOPLE WHO SURROUND ME, ENCOURAGE ME TO WORK ON MYSELF. Aďo: I am currently living in Germany and working manually in a warehouse. In addition, I engage in online coaching in the areas of fitness and healthy eating habits. However, I try to push my personal development in a creative direction. My ambition is to focus on video editing programs, photography, and graphic design. It is well-known that I am also a big adrenaline enthusiast and love various challenges. I love mountain climbing, competitions, have a hidden passion for combat sports, and, of course, have been passionate about weightlifting for many years. Moreover, I see the podcast as a huge opportunity to prove that there are many people in this world who deserve to be heard and definitely deserve attention. I know that in the upcoming years, I want to devote everything to my personal development. It will be tough but worth it. (laughs) THINGS CHANGED WHEN I GOT TO KNOW MATTY. HE MOTIVATED ME TO STOP BEING SCARED. Why do young people leave Slovakia? Aďo: I also ended up working abroad, and I won’t lie; it’s mainly because salaries are 2-3 times higher than in Slovakia. Financial reasons are a major factor for many people leaving. It’s at times challenging to earn living and find a satisfying, well-paying job in Slovakia. Personally, I want to return and try to succeed at home, finding a job I enjoy that also supports me. Seeing Matty’s success motivates me. I encourage people not to be afraid and to fight more for what they want instead of immediately leaving the country. Matty: I agree with Aďo that young people often leave Slovakia for various reasons. For me, these include a lack of job opportunities, lower salaries, and limited career growth. Employers should motivate their employees and provide opportunities for career as well as personal growth. Many young people seek better living conditions, educational opportunities, or work prospects abroad. Additionally, a lack of trust in the political and economic system can motivate some to look for better prospects elsewhere. Do you agree that young people can work as professionally as older individuals? Yes, definitely. With the right motivation, approach, and support, young people can work as professionally as older individuals. They bring fresh ideas and methods that are very useful. Collaboration between generations is beneficial, with older people offering support and guidance. Instead of focusing on differences and comparing who is better or worse, we should promote mutual development. Each person has unique ideas and visions that contribute to a diverse and dynamic work environment. Listen to podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/48Gykhko66cNoQ9pb3bUAO
The period, when we can define the future of the European Union, is slowly approaching. The European elections, held every five years, are a significant event for the political scene across Europe. This time in Slovakia, they await us on 08.06., and with their arrival, attention is being placed mainly on the candidates. One of them is Jana Masarčová, who would like to share her experiences and visions with the European Union and its citizens, which will help her in creating a better common future for everyone. In the article, you will learn: How Jana managed to learn 9 languages, What her vision is for a better common future, Why she focuses her work primarily on women and girls, Why she decided to run in the European Parliament elections. Jana, introduce yourself: I’m a proud Slovak and also an enthusiastic European, as I’ve been living abroad for over 20 years. I speak 9 languages, which I learned during my professional career in Europe and the United States. After studying management and business administration, my professional focus shifted to Brussels, where I worked in European institutions and currently serve in the EU Diplomatic Service. With a team of experts, I manage projects and programs focused on digital transformation in the field of human resources in EU embassies worldwide. As a leader of the LeanIn global network in Belgium, I actively participate in inspiring and empowering women. I recognize the importance of coming from a specific place and I am determined to emphasize the needs of helping girls and women in my candidacy, actively working on their inspiration and mutual support. “Why me? Because I believe I am a good linkage between Slovakia and Europe.“ What inspired you to learn 9 languages? Some time ago, I read a Czech proverb that said, ‘As many languages you know, as many times you are a human.’ Somehow, subconsciously, I followed that. However, I modified it to: “As many languages you know, as many lives you live.” I come from Košice, where I spoke Hungarian with my mother and grandmother. At school, I learned Russian, English, and German. I left Slovakia after the Velvet Revolution and travelled around the world. Moreover, I worked on a cruise ship, where I learned Italian. I had many passengers from different parts of the world, which led me to learn Dutch, and later, in another job, French. My husband, my everyday inspiration, is Portuguese, and the last language that inspires me greatly is Portuguese. I must say that Portuguese culture is very close to ours, Slovak. So, I have lived, and still live, many lives…” “I learned languages in the host countries. I’m not a polyglot from a textbook. Not only I understand languages, but I’m also close to their culture and mentality.” Which areas are most affected in Slovakia? I think the economic sector is one of the most affected areas, not to mention education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Modernisation, not only of processes but also of thinking and mindsets, is what we need to focus on. Investments in innovation and technology, not only in infrastructure but also in the economic sector, are key to stimulating economic growth, improving healthcare, and especially investing in modernising education. What would you like to change? If we want to change something, we should be able to analyze where we are and where we want to be. It is necessary to be open and face the truth so that we know where our country actually stands. We could talk about this topic for a long time, but I believe that those who have lived abroad and return to Slovakia with love can grasp these differences. We observe progress in the field of information technology and start-ups, but sufficient support is not provided to those who are trying to create something new and sustainable. The third sector is completely neglected, which is a shame because it harbours a wealth of valuable knowledge. Cultural and economic differences are relatively large when compared to Nordic countries. We feel that we are doing very poorly, but the situation is not so critical. According to the World Happiness Report 2024, the happiest people in the world are in the Nordics, with Finland ranking first. Can you imagine that they can be happy in almost continuous twilight? On the other hand, people living in countries where everything is abundant, including vitamin D, do not always feel happy. “I think we should be content with life in Slovakia. Life is good here.” Why do you focus on girls and women? After reading Sheryl Sandberg’s book, I was inspired by her vision and determined to act. With enthusiasm, I founded the Lean In Belgium project with the intention of supporting women not only in the IT field but also in their overall professional and personal lives. Every woman has the potential to succeed in her career and life if she receives support and opportunity. I was as well inspired by the example of my friend, who is a network leader for Lean In Slovakia. Her effort and determination in leading this network encouraged me to actively engage and similarly support women. I am proud to be part of something that brings positive changes not only for women but also for girls. “Feedback that I receive gives me strength to continue.“ Why are women specifically discriminated against and often less rewarded than men? I think it’s very difficult to compare data on why women are less rewarded and thus discriminated. According to various studies, there are many reasons for differences in rewards. For example, working part-time. Another important reason is prioritising family over career, as women tend to suspend their careers for personal or family reasons. This affects many women, including myself. However, we must not forget about women working in low-paying industries such as healthcare, services, and education. What is your mission? My mission is to bring people closer together. I write about it in my book, which I’m currently trying to finish, but it’s quite challenging with my candidacy (laughter). One of my strengths is bringing people together and helping them. We all have something we feel we should be doing, something in which we feel unique. I know my mission is to help the homeless, but somehow, amidst family and work, I’ve only been able to pursue this heartfelt issue through volunteering. During various holidays, we fed the homeless at the station in Antwerp, and it resonated with me so much that I decided to return to it with a fully developed program to end homelessness. What career successes would you like to highlight? Where do I start? (laughter) My husband underscored, ‘You must emphasize that you’re a self-made woman. That’s your greatest success…’ 😊 The diversity of my beginnings, along with a tireless curiosity and passion for learning new things, led me into various industries. I had the chance to work in hospitality, Belgian media, and in a youth magazine publishing house, where I managed the entire production. We printed magazines in Slovakia; one issue even came out in China for the royal exhibition in Beijing. A turning point for me was an issue featuring Daniela Peštová, with whom I made an interview, which was something entirely new and unprecedented for me. I immersed myself so deeply into publishing that I ventured to New York, where I completed a publishing program, which was my first passion. At that time, Slovakia wasn’t yet in the European Union. Right after our entry, I embarked on a journey as a European civil servant because I believed in Europe, whose ideal is to unite and strengthen individual member states. I saw us as a meeting point of diverse cultures and economies that support each other. Tell us more about your career experience I worked in various sectors within European institutions, noteworthy among them being Euratom, where we released numerous publications. I am very proud of a children’s book on nuclear fusion that we presented to the Belgian king at an event in Brussels. The international context of European Commission policies in trade, regional development, as well as the single market, industry, entrepreneurship, and small businesses, summarizes many projects I worked on. I am particularly proud of two specific projects. One of them is Brexit, during which we all realized the seriousness of a member state leaving the Union. The other project was the Single Digital Gateway. It was a project aimed at simplifying online access to information, administrative procedures, and services that EU citizens and businesses may need within member states. Why did you decide to run for the European Parliament? As I mentioned earlier, I left Slovakia before it joined the EU. At that time, it wasn’t possible to work or live in another EU country, provide services, or enjoy the freedom of movement as we do today. Sometimes we forget this, especially the generations that experienced it. We are currently celebrating the 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s entry to the EU, and we don’t even realize that everything we have today is not to be taken for granted. I have noticed that every year when I go home, I see Slovakia’s desire to progress. However, it is under strong pressure from many sides. One of the main reasons I am at least somewhat involved with the party I have chosen, Volt SK, is the belief in the need for change and progress. I believe that when we believe in something and pursue it, we become catalysts for change. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” And my reason is, to make that change for a better future in every possible field.
Gender equal pay has become one of the most mentioned topics nowadays. Do women and men receive the appropriate amount of money for their work? We got the chance to discuss this topic with the Ambassador of the U.S. Embassy in Slovakia, Gautam A. Rana, to explore strategies and progress in addressing this vital issue. Are there any typical stereotypes between genders in your home country? Have you encountered any visible differences in Slovakia? While the United States has made significant strides in breaking down gender stereotypes, there are still lingering perceptions that vary across different regions and demographics. It’s also important to note that we still have a wage gap issue in the U.S. as well – in 2023 women in the United States made about 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. However, even though there is clearly a long way to go, it’s important to note that these stereotypes are increasingly being challenged and redefined, with many individuals and communities advocating for gender equality and breaking free from these outdated expectations. The wage gap is also slowly closing – twenty years ago, women were making 65 cents for every dollar earned by men. Similar wage gaps exist in Slovakia. According to Slovakia’s Labor Ministry’s Institute of Social Policy’s annual Report on Social Situation of the Slovak Population in 2022, women in Slovakia received 84 cents for every euro earned by men. However, much like the United States, efforts are being made to combat these in order to promote inclusion and equality across society. For example, our embassy has supported AmCham Slovakia’s Equal Pay Day Conference to call attention to the issue. Women can perform their jobs as professionally as men. Why do you think men earn more annually than women? The gender pay gap is complex and often rooted in historical biases and stereotypes. The United States is committed to efforts to ensure equality under the law, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all, including initiatives to promote access to high-paying jobs, enhance understanding of pay disparities, and address occupational segregation. These actions complement existing measures aimed at bolstering women’s economic security, including initiatives to expand access to good-paying jobs, improve childcare affordability, increase the minimum wage, and support women-owned businesses. This multi-faceted approach can help to advance pay equity, strengthen the economy, and foster inclusive prosperity. What are the characteristic traits that working women have that men tend to lack? It’s important to recognize that individuals, regardless of gender, possess a diverse range of skills and traits that contribute to success in the professional environment. We should focus on recognizing and valuing the unique skills, talents, and perspectives that each individual brings to their work, regardless of gender. This approach fosters a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture where everyone can thrive based on their abilities and contributions. Both men and women can contribute equally and valuably to the professional environment. Looking ahead, what priorities does your embassy have in advancing gender equality and ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in Slovakia? As the U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia, advancing gender equality and ensuring equal opportunities for women and men is a priority for the United States. We are committed to supporting initiatives that promote women’s empowerment, gender equality, and the elimination of gender-based violence and discrimination around the world. Our embassy works closely with the Slovak government to promote gender equality in areas such as education, employment, healthcare, and political participation. We also support initiatives to address gender-based violence and discrimination, as well as promote women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship. By collaborating with our Slovak partners, we aim to create a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Link to U.S. Embassy webpage: https://sk.usembassy.gov/ To learn more about Equal Pay Initiative, join us on our special Equal Pay Day event: Equal Pay Day 2024 – All inclusive vstupenka https://eshop.akcnezeny.sk/produkt/equal-pay-day-2024-all-inclusive-vstupenka/
Lebanon, the land of wonders, but also sadness. On one hand, this country incredibly surprises its visitors not only with its beauty but also with the kindness of its people. On the other hand, it transfers a message of a huge pain from witnessing poverty, helplessness, and the suffering of people living in there. Lebanon’s hospitals are facing an alarming situation, as a result of economic collapse, political instability, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic pushing them to the brink. The residents of Lebanon have to face severe problems when it comes to health care such as insufficient financial resources and scarcity of medicine needed to maintain the health of the patients stable. We got a chance to talk to some of the authorized workers and management of one of the hospitals located in Lebanon, Notre Dame Des Secours, Centre Hospitalier Univeritairet. The situation is truly alarming and they are in need of help. Here are statements provided by the people of Lebanon suffering from the situation: “I’m tired of being a burden of my family. My daughters, in-laws, grandkids… everyone is suffering because of me. I have never seen my husband cry, only now. At times, he simply cannot gather enough money for my treatments. I am tired. Tired of this. Everyone around me is tired from the fact that I cannot be medically treated the way I need to be. Even though I am the only one sick in my family, I feel like I am infecting everyone around me. There is no one to give me strength except god.” “I am the house provider and caretaker of my family. My husband is a paraplegic, he’s been paralyzed for 28 years. My kid was 5 when I was first diagnosed. 6 years later, the cancer came back and this time it was in my lungs. Year later it spread to my thyroid. After that, the tests showed that cancer had also reached my bones. I have no stable income, social security, or insurance to rely on.” “Our journey with cancer spans 5 years, during which we faced many hardships. We changed emotionally and physically, but overall our finances suffered the most. We had to sell our most prized possessions, like our kid’s belongings to provide treatment for Nabil, my husband. At one point, we also had to sell some of our home furniture. This situation humbled us and made us grateful for what we own. But hopefully, one day Nabil will heal and we’ll be able to gain everything back.” Statement given by a Lebanon’s doctor: “I know the circumstances are tough. Our community is struggling greatly both economically and socially. I know that when we diagnose a dangerous illness, such as cancer, we need tests, MRIs, PET scans, biopsies, or other expensive procedures. I know it is a life-or-death matter for my patients and also that they cannot cover all of the treatment costs. The price of medications is also quite high. Regardless, we will find a way to help them.” AND NOW WE CAN HELP AS WELL. WE CAN DO SO THROUGH A DONATION. LINK BELOW: https://donio.sk/lieky-pre-chore-deti-z-libanonu LET’S MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE. TOGETHER WE CAN.
Nowadays, the topic of health is the subject of constant interest and diverse discussions. With the development of medicine and pharmacology, new drugs and treatment procedures are entering the market. Unfortunately, along with expertise, false ideas about how to treat ourselves when it comes to illnesses, also emerge. With pharmacist Karin Marček Malenovská, we have decided to explore and verify the reality behind the most popular tips and tricks we hear almost every time a disease occurs. Do we believe facts or myths? Karin, what do you do? I live in two professional worlds, since I focus on scientific research, especially on the impact of physical activities on our bodies. Furthermore, I explore the physiology of exercise and also the molecular mechanisms that are triggered within our bodies during exercise. The second world is the pharmaceutical one. I’m a trained pharmacist and I enjoy educating myself in the field of drug usage. Moreover, I share my knowledge through my Instagram profile, where I focus on such topics. What are the most common myths in pharmacy you encounter daily? There is truly a countless number of myths in pharmacy. One them are, for example, myths spread about treating fever. One mistake we make is taking medication too soon. When dealing with fever, it’s important to reduce body temperature to a bearable level at which we are comfortable and can endure it. In an unhealthy state, our goal is not to reach our normal body temperature, as many people think. Therefore, if someone feels comfortable with a temperature of 38.5 degrees during illness, we don’t necessarily need to take any medication. Fever is actually a very helpful tool in fighting illnesses as it’s a mechanism our body uses effectively against viruses and bacteria. By using medication, we lower this immune weapon. Of course, it’s appropriate to take medication when necessary, and they often save us, but it’s important to know how and when to use them. Another myth about fever is related to cold showers. A cold shower causes blood vessels, for example in the extremities, to constrict because it reacts to the cold stimulus and tries to preserve heat in vital organs. Consequently, our body fights this sensation and paradoxically begins to raise its temperature again. During fever, we are often advised to “sweat the illness out”, for example, by consuming hot drinks. Have you ever considered that we drink hot beverages in winter when we want to warm up, but also during illness when we’re trying to lower our body temperature? It’s counterproductive, just like excessive covering with blankets. Our body releases heat through evaporation. When we cover ourselves, heat has nowhere to evaporate, and it’s trapped under the blanket, which can even worsen our condition. DURING FEVER, IT’S GOOD TO COVER WITH SOMETHING LIGHT-WEIGHT, OR TO HAVE A CERTAIN PART OF THE BODY UNCOVERED. What are the latest trends in pharmacy? I’m not sure if we have any freshly newest ones, but there are definitely trends that have been around for a while. For example, collagen, which women use for almost everything, from burning calories, to reducing wrinkles, to fighting cellulite. If all of this were true, the products wouldn’t need as much advertising as they receive. Similar cases include various green foods like barley and chlorella, which are also attributed with many revolutionary effects, but haven’t been scientifically proven. I am sure there’s no one who hasn’t heard of detox. Detox doesn’t work with supplements, but with our own organs, such as the liver and kidneys. As long as a person has these two organs, they detoxify sufficiently every day and don’t need to spend money on overpriced supplements. Can food cure? A balanced and regular diet is the key to success, especially in preventing multiple diseases. In recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of lifestyle diseases, for which we can blame our own unhealthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle reflects on our health, and thus changing our lifestyle, such as having a rational and varied diet or exercising, is the best investment in our future. THE RIGHT LIFESTYLE IS THE KEY TO NOT HAVING TO TREAT OURSELVES IN THE FUTURE. One direct example is the so-called “elderly diabetes.” It’s diabetes caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Age itself is not a disease, and it’s up to us which path we choose for aging. Healthy aging can indeed be achieved. Are there more women or men in pharmacy? Even during school, we had a much higher percentage of women than men. Recently, it has started to balance out a bit, but still, women lead. However, this isn’t just in pharmacy, but also generally in biomedical research. In Slovakia, we have many talented female scientists who are truly great. However, we lack them in higher leadership positions, but that’s because women often go on maternity leave, for example.