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Salary is not just a number on a paycheck. It reflects our value

How can you ask for a fair salary without fearing rejection from your employer? Is discussing salary during an interview a taboo or an essential part of a serious conversation? Salary communication ca...

Photo: canva/ pixelshot

Women often restart their careers after maternity leave: Flexibility is a key factor in returning to work

The latest findings from a survey conducted by the IPSOS agency for the organization Working Mothers reveal a concerning trend increasingly affecting Slovak women upon their return from maternity or p...

Equal pay day slovakia

Important Topics and Unique Mentorship: Join Us for the Equal Pay Day Conference

In Slovakia, the gender pay gap remains a critical issue, with women earning on average 18.4% less than men. To address this disparity, Akčné ženy is organizing the Equal Pay Day conference—a unique e...

Source: Pexels.com

Pink tax: Why Does Raising a Daughter Cost Me More?

Moms, have you ever noticed that products of the same type cost more simply because they’re marketed for women? Whether it’s clothing, razors, deodorant, or even services, if you’re ...

Source: Pexels.com

Shining a Light on Mental Health: Why It Matters More Than Ever

October 10th marks International Mental Health Day, a global initiative designed to spark conversation, break down stigmas, and remind everyone of the importance of mental well-being. While this topic...

Source: Pexels.com

The International Youth Day is held on August 12th. It is a celebration of our future!

Today’s youth are bursting with energy, creativity, and a strong desire to make the world a better place. They’re known for their ability to adapt to a fast-changing world and tackle chall...

Which countries offer workers the best working conditions and benefits?

Slovakia ranks 5th among the most worker-friendly countries, with an overall work and employment score of 6.29.  New research by William Russell has analysed data from 30 OECD countries to reveal whic...

Three Days of Inspiration Await at the Fifth Annual Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of women professionals will gather virtually at the fifth annual Women|Future Conference from November 8-10.  The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning,...

Empower Women: From financial independence to sustainable future

In the EU, women earn on average 14.1% per hour less than their male counterparts, which equals to almost two monthly salaries. This is why the European Commission marks November 10 as the symbolic da...

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