Sometimes it can be difficult to be a working woman, from wage differentials to discrimination in the workplace and obstacles to progressing beyond the career path. The fact that women often do not f...
The long-term effort to eliminate unequal conditions between men and women in terms of pay is bearing fruit. In some countries of the western world, including Slovakia, women already earn as much as m...
For many years, industry has been predominantly man’s business. The automakers were no exception. The leading car manufacturers are still mainly men. In the case of General Motors, however, this...
As far as networking is concerned, there is still no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Sarah Weller reveals how her participation in networking has helped to forge valuable new contacts, and offer...
Get inspired and share our Quotes on Linkedin as well. Do you know Trish Bertuzzi? She is the Author of “The Sales Development Playbook” | CEO at The Bridge Group. Let’s connect on ...