Matej Jurášek, known as “Rarach,” is a Slovak who, together with his family, made the move to the island of Madeira. But settling in turned out to be trickier than he imagined. Through his...
Social platform TikTok is thriving, and it became a breeding ground for viral trends that capture the attention of millions of people worldwide. From dance challenges, recipes, or DIY projects, TikTok...
“We want our podcast V TROJKE (from Slovak: In a threesome) to be as inspiring as the guests who work with us,” said the young founders of the podcast V TROJKE, Matúš “Matty” D...
Influencer Dominika Bánszka, known on Instagram as @23dominika, has over 100,000 followers. Through her posts, she motivates her audience towards self-love and the pursuit of genuine values. Daily, sh...