Magazine - Women in action

Empower Women: From financial independence to sustainable future

In the EU, women earn on average 14.1% per hour less than their male counterparts, which equals to almost two monthly salaries. This is why the European Commission marks November 10 as the symbolic da...

Facebook’s downfall: Only 32% of U.S. teens use it

Internet use has increased massively in the past two decades and today, there are more active users than ever. Social media websites, in particular, have become extremely popular, with Facebook being ...


Interview with Lenka O’Neill about the last years and fate of Pietro Filipi, about fashion brands in Czech market, and the impact of Brexit. Lenka, you are very active in the fashion market in the Cze...

New study reveals all the best countries for paid parental leave: Slovakia ranks 4th

A new study reveals the best (& the worst) countries in the world for paid parental leave, with Slovakia ranking 4th best. The study carried out by Lensa looked at the total number of paid leave w...

What is the future of lawyers?

We had an opportunity to attend an amazing Legal Disruptors Conference 2022 in Prague. Legal Disruptors Conference brings world class legal pioneers and innovators together to join various in-depth wo...

BCC EQUILIBRIUM – Mentoring Programme for Women

The 12th Edition of BCC Equilibrium Mentoring Programme is here and we are offering you to be part of it! Next year’s Edition will be even more exclusive with only approx. 100 Mentoring Couples. This ...

Zuzana Zamborska: Over the last 10 years, female angel investors have grown by 100%

“You have to work with prejudice, ” says Zuzana Zamborská, who has been helping companies expand abroad for seven years. It has helped them to operate in more than 10 foreign markets. She opens the th...

Maria Bellova – the first Slovak doctor fought against disease and prejudice

With the beginning of the 20th century, major changes were taking place in the field of medicine. With this, there was a growing interest in medical work. This was also the case for women but they had...