How to properly organize your time at work? A few tips to help you become more productive

Today’s fast-paced world often doesn’t give us a chance to stop and catch our breath. We spend our days overwhelmed with work and responsibilities, and time just slips away. One important step to incorporate into our daily routine is planning. If you’re looking for tips on how to manage your time effectively while working, you’re in the right place.

By properly organizing our work schedule, we can save several valuable hours each week, which we can use to our advantage. Whether it’s improving our hobbies, spending active time with loved ones, or simply relaxing with a good book, finding a bit of time for ourselves always pays off.

Eliminate distractions

We’ve all been there. You sit down at your computer to get some work done, but staying focused becomes a challenge. Everything around you seems to distract you. Whether it’s the music playing in your office, chatting colleagues, or the noise of traffic outside, try to minimize these distractions. If necessary, use earplugs or put on headphones with calming music. White noise can help adults concentrate just as much as it helps babies fall asleep.

Clean your desk

Let’s stay on the topic of distractions for a bit longer. This time, it’s not just about noise, but visuals as well. Your workspace and the desk you work at play a crucial role. Remove anything that isn’t related to your work. Various decorations and unnecessary items can divert your attention away from the screen. Some studies suggest that the best desk is one that only has your laptop and essentials like a lamp, a planner, or a glass of water.

Work in Proper Intervals

During an eight-hour workday, it’s tough to keep our focus from drifting constantly. Try using interval methods. Simply given, alternate between periods of intense work and short breaks. For every half-hour of focused work, take a 5-minute break to relax and shift your attention elsewhere. This way, your brain will learn when to be fully engaged and when to relax. Your efficiency will increase significantly. The length of the work interval varies for each person, but it should never be less than 30 minutes. Plan your breaks.

Value Feedback

Reflect. Ask yourself: Did I work better than last month? If so, what helped me improve? If not, why, and where did I fall short?

Seek feedback from those who motivate you. Whether it’s your boss, a client, or a colleague, ask them for their input. While recognizing our strengths is important, it’s also beneficial to see ourselves through someone else’s eyes from time to time. You might learn things about yourself that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, which can only make you stronger. If the feedback is negative, at least you’ll know what to work on in the future.

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Set milestones

It’s really hard to work without motivation. That’s why it’s good to set small, manageable goals that will motivate you towards a bigger objective. Reward yourself. A great tip is to treat yourself to your morning coffee only after you’ve completed the most annoying task of the day. The same goes for your favorite sweets or the occasional lunch delivery you enjoy at work.

Whether it’s small steps or something bigger, remember that we’re not machines. Life is meant to be lived, not just survived 🙂




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