Famous Slovak actor Tomáš Sitkey: When the camera’s on, I’m in my element, doing what I was born for.

Tomáš Sitkey
Tomáš Sitkey

His dream job was acting, and that dream has become a reality. Actor Tomáš Sitkey, known from Slovak TV series, truly loves his work with all his heart. Recently, many have come to know him through Slovak series like Dunaj and Mama na prenájom, but these are just a few of the many projects Tomáš is involved in.

In addition to acting, Tomáš started a business in financial services at a young age and has now become famous on social media as an influencer. He focuses on quality over quantity in his videos and strives to be original. His goal is to evoke emotions in his audience, usually joy and laughter, as his content tends to have a humorous tone.

Tomáš, how did you get into acting?

The first time I thought, “I could be an actor,” was when the talented actress Peťka Vajdová approached me and offered to help me prepare for the entrance exams to VŠMU (the Academy of Performing Arts). Her brother was my classmate in high school, and she had seen me perform in several skits at our graduation party. She thought I had talent. However, I didn’t get into VŠMU, and I was so disappointed that I convinced myself I had no potential.

After that disappointment, I put acting aside for ten years. However, the desire to pursue it only grew stronger over time.

Tomáš Sitkey

Tomáš Sitkey

I felt a strong need to act, so I started making funny videos on Instagram and TikTok to ease the pressure and find a way to express myself. Surprisingly, these videos quickly caught on. Even though I didn’t make a lot of them, they got decent views and positive feedback, and my fan base started to grow. The more it grew, the more I began to believe in my potential as an actor.

When actors began reaching out to encourage me to take acting seriously, it didn’t take long for me to decide to go for it. Despite huge doubts and sometimes feeling paralyzed by fear, I decided to open the door to acting again after those 10 years. I went to a casting for a TV network’s actor database, and things took off from there.

Which of the aspects of your job do you not enjoy?

I really don’t like it when important information isn’t communicated clearly and things aren’t said outright. It’s an unfair approach, and actors sometimes face these kinds of issues. In the world of influencers, I also dislike having to manage the speed and length of videos just to maintain viewership. Sometimes, this compromises quality and creativity.

I am proud that I’ve overcome my fears and I am doing what I’ve always dreamed of. 

Do you like creating content on social media?

Even though I’m not very active in social media creation yet, I really enjoy it. I’m quite a creative person, and it’s great to have control over my own content. However, sometimes my videos get blocked due to today’s sensitive society and sometimes arbitrary social media policies. It’s a bit limiting, but I have to play with what I have the best I can. Anyway, since I love humour and it seems like a lot of people find me funny, it’s another way for me to express myself in acting, make people laugh, and spread good energy.

Tomáš Sitkey

Tomáš Sitkey

Which social media platform do you like the best?

I like Instagram the most, but I try to limit my content consumption and stick to a few selected profiles. The impact of social media on young people who are constantly glued to their screens can be really negative. They often struggle with personal interactions, have a confused view of reality, and by constantly consuming so much content, they overstimulate their dopamine receptors, which can make it hard for them to enjoy simple things and lead to anxiety. So, I’d say—everything in moderation! But, of course, keep following me! (laughs)

Who is your biggest motivation and inspiration?

I draw inspiration from a lot of people—family, friends, both famous and infamous personalities. But when I think about it, often my sources of inspiration aren’t people at all. As for role models, I don’t really have a specific one. I don’t want to live my life based on someone else’s example. However, if I had to mention specific people I admire and would like to be like in some aspects, it would generally be my father, as well as Lasica, Satinský, and Jim Carrey in the acting world.

Tomáš Sitkey

Tomáš Sitkey

You entered the business sphere at the age of 18. What would you recommend to young people who want to start their own business?

They should go for it despite their fear. Fear and doubt aren’t something you can just turn off with a switch. Either you gather the courage and move forward with the fear, or you don’t try at all. The feeling of not knowing how it could have turned out if you had tried is often worse than the fear itself. It’s not like you can wait until you’re no longer afraid before giving it a shot.

A lot of young people today have anxiety about not knowing what they want to do with their lives. Because they’re constantly glued to Instagram, they often subconsciously compare themselves to all those people living their dreams, being successful, wealthy, happy, balanced, and amazing. But that’s just a huge illusion and far from reality. Everyone has doubts, struggles, and problems, even those who seem to have perfect lives on Instagram.

That’s why I want to emphasise that it’s completely okay and normal not to know what you want to do with your life. It’s something to accept as a natural part of the process—don’t beat yourself up about it, don’t compare yourself to others. Try to listen to your inner self, soul, feelings, or intuition, whatever you want to call it, and experiment with what you feel might be ‘it’ for you.

Tomáš Sitkey

Tomáš Sitkey


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